As a certified Health and Nutrition Consultant, avid runner and cyclist, and mother of two, I wholeheartedly believe in the power of good nutrition and exercise. In addition to being my profession, eating right and being fit are my passions, and I never stop pursuing them. Everyday I witness their benefits in my own life and in the lives of my family and clients who repeatedly tell me how gradual changes to their diets and lifestyles have had a tremendous impact on their quality of life. Fueled by their success stories, I continue to spread my message:
What you eat and how you choose to live will affect your health today, tomorrow, and for years to come.
Clients come to me for guidance and support.
They’re committed to changing their lives, and they trust me to help them do so. This trust inspires and motivates me—it drives me to continually improve myself as a coach, an educator, a wife, a parent, a businesswoman, and an athlete. I view each day as a chance to make myself better and, consequently, I constantly push myself to take my client relationships, nutritional knowledge, fitness, and diet to the next level. I strive to be happy but never complacent, appreciative but never content. And as a result, I’ve challenged myself and my clients to achieve personal growth and a quality of life we hadn’t thought possible. I encourage you to experience this transformation yourself. Let me help you feel your best, achieve your goals, and improve your health.
Contact me today to schedule your free 1-hour health history consultation.
Jean Varney received her training at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York City and is certified by the American Association of Drugless practitioners. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Mathematics from Middlebury College and has obtained continuing education credits from Georgetown University and Purchase College, State University of New York. She works with corporations and individuals nationwide empowering men and women to improve their health through sustainable changes to diet and lifestyle. Her clients are varied and include world-class athletes, TV personalities, business professionals, retirees, moms and dads and the family next door. She has consulted for the NFL Retired Players Association and national food chain establishments, is a contributing editor for PrimeWomen, an online magazine for women over 50 and frequently offers seminars as part of corporate wellness programs. Jean also enjoys planning menus and overseeing client entertainment events around the world, including the 2010/11 RBS Pre-US Open Tennis Classic, the 2012/13 HSBC Summer Tennis Invitational the 2014/2015/2016 Approach London Tennis Classic, and the 2014/2015/2016/2017 Approach New York Tennis Classic.
“Jeannie has been such an important part of the overall success of the HSBC Summer Tennis Classic. She has an exceptional talent for managing all the details and moving parts, while designing an exceptionally healthy and delicious menu guests and tennis stars continually rave about year after year.”
— Stefania Bethlen / Director Head of HSBC Corporate Access Team, New York
Start Now
To learn how simple changes to your diet and lifestyle can alleviate many of your health concerns, schedule a free 1-hour health history consultation. I work with individuals nationwide. All consultations are done over the phone from the comfort of your home or office.